Friday, 9 September 2011

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Videos Filmed From the Point of Observation



The Image

Frame # 0000

Frame # 0200

Frame # 0400

Frame # 0600

Frame # 0800

The Apparatus

In my object the image is formed by two domes positioned in opposite directions. Their inner curves of different dimensions face each other and become a reflection of the same size on the surface of the mirror. Here the space of the same configuration but different in size becomes one image, which is seen through an oculus is formed by the reflection of the inside of the concave and the eye of the viewer. With a change of light the mirror becomes translucent and a mirage of another inner surface appears on it. Moreover, the new image contains traces of light determined by the layers behind the one we see. The difference in colour of the middle layer and perforations in it impose a light pattern which could not be seen directly, but could be only ‘felt’ through another layer with the help of haptic memory of sense of touch.

The inside of the bigger structure is seen from the outside as a reflection on the surface of the mirror, so it becomes an image. Another inside is seen as a real image because of transparency. Nevertheless, according to experiences of viewers it does not seem real. The apparatus presupposes physical engagement with the viewer as the image could be attained only in that way. Interaction causes particular uncomfortable feelings in knees and neck and seeing another person dealing with it seems like if he was possessed or caught into this apparatus, though actually the viewer is engaging with it himself, w to controlling the power of light, which means the level of  ‘power’ of the apparatus and the image, which the viewer obtains.

Picture of Testing the Apparatus. On the Day Before the Show

The Apparatus




The Final Installation Drawings

Scanned technical hand-drawing for my device.


Central Section

Top View

Thursday, 25 August 2011

The Construction

At the moment I am working out the construction to line-up two of my models.
Quick look at the process:

Pencil Drawing

Details Aligned

Horizontal Details Joined Together

Circular Details Attached

Monday, 25 July 2011

Critical Research Paper

Now, when the CRP is written, the research question is identified. You can read it here.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The Model Development After the Sketches

Experiment for the bigger piece

View from the side of the observer

Work in progress for a bigger piece

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Sketches for the Final Proposal

The sketches explore the interaction of the body and the object. They investigate the mechanisms of the perception in the same system as our body experiences the space of the dome.

The Object

Interaction with the object with the help of the mirror device

Interaction with the object by means of two mirrors

Interaction with two objects and one mirror

Scheme of the device for the physical interaction with the object

Scheme for the device for interaction with the object by means of a mirror

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Latex Colouring Experiments

Further development of the project requires more working with some of the materials that were tried out in the Unit 1. Here are the picture with the latex, which I am trying to color as the latex being sold doesn't have the needed qualities.



Sunshine Yellow

Canary Yellow

The Model for the British Land

The piece is a part of a life-scale installation. It consists of the metal construction and partly covered with a wax slab. The other part is left opened to reveal the construction.

 Here are the drawings used to negotiate with the supplier: